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Carrboro High School

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Extracurricular & Enrichment Opportunities and Service Learning

Extracurricular & Enrichment Opportunities

As important a part of your high school experience as academics is, what you do outside of class is as important.  Whether you participate in a school or community club or organization, play a sport, have a part-time job, or volunteer, use your free time wisely.  These are your chances to explore and pursue personal passions and career interests, learn more about yourself and the world, try new things, experience leadership and responsibility, and more.

See our Extracurricular & Enrichment Opportunities listing.  CFNC also maintains their Enrichment Programs listing.

See our Club Listing for information about CHS clubs.

See our Athletics Site for information about CHS sports.

Keep an eye on the Daily Announcements and speak with Ms. Coley or your counselor about part-time employment opportunities.

See the Service Learning information below, or Google "volunteer carrboro" (or chapel hill, durham, or raleigh), in addition to paying attention to the Daily Announcements and signage around the school to explore volunteering opportunities.  Additionally, many of our school clubs are service-oriented.

Service Learning (CHCCS Graduation Requirement)

CHCCS no longer requires Service Learning hours documented in LetServe. It remains to be seen whether or not the site remains active and available for students to seek opportunities.

Despite it no longer being required for graduation, students are still very much encouraged to volunteer and seek community service and activism opportunities, through LetServe or other local or regional organizations.  Those opportunities are a big part of high school personal growth and career exploration, and they still look great for college admissions purposes.