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Bell Schedule

CHS Bell Schedule

Why did CHS adopt a new schedule for 2021-2022?

In the 2019-2020 school year, the CHS Schedule Exploratory Committee was formed with a variety of staff, students, parents, and a TregoEd facilitator. Through the TregoED analysis, a few key priorities were identified as it relates to the schedule for Carrboro High School: (1) All students have access to rigorous education; (2) Stress reduction; (3) Student awareness of all college and career opportunities; (4) More representation of students of color in advanced courses; (4) Academic/Social Emotional Learning (SEL) supports for all students.

During the 2020-2021 school year, the work of the committee was then shared with our community in order to solicit additional feedback. Through our feedback process, it was determined that a majority of all stakeholders were in support of Carrboro High School adopting the 7-period modified block schedule for the 2021-2022 school year. Additionally, through the work of our Racial Equity Impact Assessment it was determined that compared to the traditional schedule, the modified block has great potential to better serve and support our marginalized students. The REIA process illuminated that Flex Time is the key to this schedule more effectively supporting our students, and that intentionality, planning, and adequate resources are vital to ensuring the success of Flex Time. 

What is the 7-period modified block schedule?

This schedule utilizes an alternating “block schedule” four days a week, with a traditional 7-period day where students go to all their classes one day per week.  One day per week (Mondays), students attend all of their classes for a shorter period (50 minutes) of time. On the remaining days (Tuesday through Friday), students are attending each of their classes for a longer block of time (93 minutes). In this schedule, students still take up to 7 classes a year, with a “Jag Block” being used to fill the eight time block. 

CHS Weekly Schedule Document Viewer

What is Jag Block?

Jag Block is the block period that will house our Real Talk and Flex Time initiatives. Jag Block serves as the eighth time block and will occur twice weekly, on Wednesdays and Fridays. Students are assigned to a particular teacher for the Real Talk portion of the Jag Block. These groupings are comprised of all grades and the intent is for students to keep the same teacher pairing throughout their time at CHS. During the Flex Time portion of Jag Block, students will be able to move to specific classrooms and spaces throughout the building for their academic interventions and programming.

What is Real Talk?

Real Talk can be viewed as our school-wide SEL intervention, in the sense that it was created to allow for a more holistic approach to supporting our students beyond just academic success. Building on the traditional advisory model, this initiative was started in response to ongoing feedback from students on the various issues and ‘stressors’ that they faced -- whether related to school-based trauma, academic stress, race-based trauma, and more. Coming out of a year-and-a-half of disruption, isolation, and trauma, Real Talk’s mission and purpose become all the more important! This time will go a long way in Carrboro High School’s ability to transition successfully and rebuild a sense of community and belonging in 2021-2022.

What is Flex Time? 

In this schedule, Flex Time is used to provide embedded opportunities for targeted academic interventions and programming, including acceleration, tutorials, and enrichment. Additionally, Flex Time allows for additional opportunities for SEL programming, independent work time, and other school-wide and small group activities. Students received onboarding  about how to sign up for flex time activities during Jag Block on Friday, September 3rd.


How will students sign up for Flex Time activities?

Carrboro High School will be using a platform called Edficiency, an online scheduling tool that simplifies flex period logistics so that teachers and teachers get the most out of their time together. The Edficiency scheduling system is designed specifically to help schools create rosters for a school’s intervention and enrichment period (i.e. our flex time!). The platform is entirely web based and can be accessed by all students and teachers, allowing them to submit requests upon which the system builds the daily class rosters. In the absence of requests, the system makes ‘intelligent’ decisions to ensure students are being assigned to appropriate locations while also making efforts to keep classroom sizes balanced when possible. For a short video that introduces the platform and highlights how students can make requests, click here


Benefits of using Edficiency:

  • Automated - Edficiency will automate the process of rostering all students daily, resolving any conflicts so teachers and students can focus on the outcomes, not managing schedules. The platform provides three key methods of sharing the daily schedules with students via email, text message, or by accessing the system directly.
  • Intelligent - Edficiency will intelligently assign students with an algorithm that prioritizes eight levels of request types to ensure kids go where they’re most needed.
  • Flexible - Efficiency will schedule students for flex time the night before & notify them before they get to school for ultimate flexibility


How does it work?

Teachers + other staff members will create sessions with choices about which students they want to be eligible or requested to attend. They can also request to see individual students. At the same time, students will request to see teachers or attend specific sessions. Then, while we sleep the night before, Edficiency takes all the requests and assigns students to the most important places first, and assigns the rest of students to teachers they know (or have) while balancing class sizes. That morning, students wake up with an email for their daily assignment and teachers log in to see their daily roster. All students will be expected to complete their requests in the Edficiency system by midnight the night before (for example, by midnight on Tuesday for Wednesday’s Flex Time).


What happens if a student doesn't request to go anywhere and no teacher requests that student?

Don't worry! Edficiency will ensure all students have an assignment every day, even when no action is taken by that student and his/her teachers. After all special requests for the day have been honored, Edficiency will look at the remaining students needed to be assigned and the remaining seats left unfilled. Then it will assign each remaining student, working to match them with a teacher they have during the day while also balancing class sizes as much as possible for teachers and spaces. 



(This will use a single sign-in with a CHCCS Gmail Account)