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Carrboro High School

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Peer Buddy

CHS Peer Buddy

How is the CHCCS Peer Buddy program different from other Buddy programs like Best Buddies?  
The scope of our CHCCS Peer Buddy program is broader concept than many peer support programs such as Best Buddies.  Many peer support programs focus on fostering relationship matches between those with disabilities and those without disabilities.  
Our program at CHCCS is unique in that we are focusing on building a broader community. We do not seek to build supports based solely on ability.  Many of our most satisfied buddies have included students who are new to our school community, buddies that have shyness or anxiety, or buddies that are simply trying to broaden their friendship groups.  
Our Peer Buddy Program at CHCCS is a grant funded opportunity started by parents in the district and exists in all of our Middle and High schools. At the High School level we don’t make a distinction between a “Buddy” and a “Mentor” because we recognize that each Buddy partner brings value to the relationship.
The program facilitates friendships, builds leadership skills and promotes acceptance, understanding and awareness of differences among students. The Peer Buddy program supports ALL students including EC, ESL and general education population.
Students meet with their buddy regularly during lunch or another arranged time to engage in meaningful socially-based activities. Service learning hours are given to all High School students who are participating.
The Peer Buddy Program is currently funded by The Oak Foundation to pay for support staff, program activities & supplies.

More Information and Application Procedures

Join the Peer Buddy Program by completing this application, and submitting 2 references to room D122 or our School Facilitator: Natalie Boylan
You can access the district Special Needs Advisory Council website if you need more information.